Monday, February 13, 2006

Russian Takuyaki

Takuyaki is a small fried ball of bread and octopus. Russian takuyaki is a whole new world altogether. You order 6 at a time, and one of them contains not octopus, but a near-lethal dose of peppers,wasabi, or some sort of ghastly hotness. You go around the table and everyone eats one, hoping he or she doesn't pick the hottie.

Roy was the first unlucky soul. Poor guy looks miserable.
Tim probably had it the worst. He picked his up and accidentally broke it open, allowing him to see the fire within.
Of course, there was no backing down, so with great anticipation on our parts and even greater dismay on his, we watched as he amassed the courage to ingest the intestinal torturer.

Despite my insane hopes, there was no burning in store for me this night. Maybe next time.


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8:57 PM


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